Monday, June 4, 2007

Why Environmentalists Should Be Furious About Illegal Immigration

Hear Me Environmentalists! This environmentalist is warning that if you let "them" get away with the subverting and dismantling of the immigration laws, then the environmental laws are not safe, nor is any law.

Many laws passed by Congress are solely the product of shameless lobbying by special interests. Not so for the immigration law of 1986. The immigration law of 1986 was one of the few laws that was the product of a reasoned national debate, represented a national consensus, was bipartisan, and was an act of generosity and compassion. "They" eviscerated, subverted, shredded, violated, and evaded that law so that now we have at least 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. And if "they" can do that to the 1986 immigration law, they can do that to any law, including the environmental laws.

Who is "they"? "They" are the employers who make money off of hiring illegal aliens, those who claim it is racist to enforce the immigration laws (even though 80% of those admitted under the immigration laws are non-white), those who just don't agree with immigration laws and lobbied for their non-enforcement, and probably others.

If "they" can get the reasonable and duly enacted immigration laws "unenforced," then they can also get the environmental laws "unenforced." Just as there are many businesses that are making money off illegal immigration, and plenty of people who are ideologically opposed to not having an open border, so there are plenty of businesses that can make more money if they are free to dump or pollute, and plenty of people who are ideologically opposed to the environmental laws.

Yo environmentalists, this environmentalist is telling you right now that if you let "them" get away with the dismantling of the immigration laws, then the environmental laws are not safe, nor is any law. So please do not be paralyzed by political correctness and fears of being called a racist. Defend the republic by standing up and being counted. Contact your Congresspersons and tell them you are against the current dismantling of the immigration laws, and want the 1986 immigration law enforced!

We will have, we in fact do have, a "republic" in which the existence of a law is largely meaningless because constant high pressure tactics are needed if existing laws are to be enforced.

We are on the verge of decisively abandoning a fundamantal foundation of the republican form of government: that the laws will be upheld and enforced until they are changed by lawful means. The systematic non-enforcement of the immigration laws is a symptom of the decline of the republic of the United States. If the 1986 law is successfully overturned in 2007, no other reasonable and duly enacted law will be safe and it will be a significant step towards the end of the Republic of the United States.

For example, in the 1980s, the INS raided the fruit farms of California, which employ thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens. Well, these farms used their political clout to cause Senator Diane Feinstein to protest the raids as hurting California businesses. Never mind that these businesses were in obvious violation of the law.

If you refuse to or cannot pay an adequate wage to attract legal workers to your industry, then your industry should be relocated to a country where workers are willing to accept the wages offered-- that is how the poorer countries will develop!

For this reason, at least one of the industries held up as a reason for why we should reform the immigration laws is a crock. The California fruit industry should be allowed to wither on the vine and move to foreign countries where people are eager to work at the wages the industry can offer. Right now, we are growing fruit, but importing poverty. We should not have allowed it to exist in this country in violation of our laws, and Diane Feinstein was totally wrong to have done the bidding of the industry by urging non-enforcement of the immigration laws.

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This blog is written under a pseudonym because there is not really freedom of expression in the United States. Taking a position on illegal immigration can reduce one's employment prospects. Unless you are independently wealthy or a tenured professor, you need to watch what you say.