Illegal immigration is not good for black Americans.
This is what Chuck Schumer said to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Senate on March 8, 2007:
"In 1999, 65% of black male high school dropouts in their 20's were jobless - in other
words not looking or unable to find work - and by 2004, the share had grown to 72%
jobless. 72% jobless! This compares to 29% of white and 19% of Hispanic dropouts.
In the inner cities, more than half of all black men do not finish high school. Even when you consider high school graduates, half of black men in their 20’s were jobless in 2004.
To make matters worse, incarceration of young black men is at historic highs. A black
man with only a high school diploma has a 30 percent chance of having served time in prison by the time he turns thirty. Without a high school diploma, his likelihood of
having been incarcerated jumps to 60 percent. In fact, a black male in his late twenties without a high school diploma is more likely to be in jail than to be working.
These numbers take your breath away. These numbers should cause national alarm and demand a national solution."
A follow-on article in the
Oakland Tribune (March 18, 2007) said, "Their employment histories are gruesome. Over the past few years, the percentage of black male high school graduates in their 20s who were jobless (including those who abandoned all efforts to find a job) has ranged from well over a third to roughly 50 percent. Those are the kinds of statistics you get during a depression."
Illegal immigration plays a strong role in the unemployment rate among black males.
I have heard it expressly stated, "I would rather hire an illegal immigrant than a black person."A good percentage of white people feel that Hispanic illegal immigrants work harder. are more cooperative, and less likely to steal than black males. So they will hire the illegal immigrant.
And that pretty much accounts for all of illegal immigration. If all the unemployed black males were working, how much illegal immigration would there be? There is no labor shortage in the United States, contrary to what G.W. Bush claimed just today.
Are the 72% of black male high school dropouts UNEMPLOYABLE? Maybe not at the beginning of their work careers, but I think that having a job is how a person learns how to hold a job, is socialized into being able to hold a job. I think that idle hands are the devil's helpers-- a link between unemployment and crime. I think that illegal aliens- hard working, non-complaining, honest (except for the document fraud and identity theft et cetera) - are taking the jobs that Americans won't give to black Americans!
Let me give you a specific example. It's not a perfect example. Delivering pizza is not "a job Americans won't do." I live in a wealthy neighborhood in New York City. Friday night is pizza night in our household. The pizza place near our house- on a very exclusive street between 5th and Madison Avenues on 90th street- hires illegal immigrant delivery personnel. How do I know? Just common sense if you see these guys. These guys are making upwards of 20 deliveries a night- making probably an average of $3 tip per run. My parents insist on ordering from this pizza place because the food is so good, but I NEVER ALLOW THIS PLACE TO DELIVER TO OUR HOUSEHOLD. I always go down and pick up the food. If they would employ African-American delivery personnel, I would gladly relax, let the food be delivered, and give a fair tip. And since I have delivered pizza myself for 1.5 years, I always give a fair tip.