Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Excerpts From e-mail to Chuck Schumer

Vote NO on cloture.

On the floor of the Senate on 6/11/2007, you said, "So, yes, this no-confidence resolution is unusual, but it rises to the highest calling of the Senate, to seek rule of law over politics ... The bottom line is very simple. We have a sacred, noble obligation in this country to defend the rule of law."

If you are not a hypocrite even by the standards of politicians, you will vote no on cloture. Lewis Libby is not above the law, nor is Paris Hilton, and the 12 million illegal immigrants are neither above nor below the law. All people are bound by the law. That is one of the pillars of a republican form of government. If you, by your vote, are the cause of the erosion of that pillar, you are a contributor to the collapse of this republic.

I lived in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood from 7/1/2005 to 3/25/2007. I realized during that time that the people who are here illegally know that they are breaking the law, that they intentionally have broken the law, and that they are determined to break the law and get away with it.

If you are asking yourself, "How does he know they were here illegally," I answer that I have not lost my common sense, and that this attorney knows the definition of "probable cause." If you look at data from the Pew Hispanic Center combined with data from the DHS 2005 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, you will see that 70% of Hispanic immigrants who came here between the year 2000 and the present are here illegally. I looked at the recent Hispanic immigrants in my neighborhood, observed their obvious "I live in the shadows" behavior, and drew reasonable conclusions supported by statistics and observation.

The immigration act of 1986 was a reasonable and duly enacted law. There was widespread public debate; it was not the product of backroom deals with special interests.

The willful violation of a reasonable and duly enacted law cannot be permitted in a republic.

The laws passed by Congress and signed by the President must be upheld.

It is inconsistent with the republican form of government that people whose very presence in the territory of the republic is due to their willfull and continued violation multiple laws of that republic should be allowed any path to citizenship.

I ask you to live up to the words you uttered on the floor of the Senate on 6/11/2007 and vote NO on cloture.

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This blog is written under a pseudonym because there is not really freedom of expression in the United States. Taking a position on illegal immigration can reduce one's employment prospects. Unless you are independently wealthy or a tenured professor, you need to watch what you say.