Monday, July 7, 2008

Ignorance and Poor Fact Checking at the New York Times

The New York Times of July 6 has an article "Employers Fight Tough Measures on Immigration."  The article begins, "Under pressure from the toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in two decades, employers across the country are fighting back ..."  

Here is what the article says at one point, "Mike Gilsdorf, the owner of a 37-year-old landscaping nursery in Littleton, Colo., saw the need for action by businesses last winter when he advertised with the Labor Department, as he does every year, for 40 seasonal workers at market-rate wages to plant, prune and carry his shrubs in the summer heat. Only one local worker responded to the notice, he said, and then did not show up for the job."

By definition, if no workers were willing to take the job, then the employer did not offer market-rate wages.  The definition of the market-rate wage is that it is the $ wage that will elicit a supply of labor to match the quantity of labor demanded.  If no workers showed up for the job, then the wage offered was not the market rate wage and obviously needs to be raised.  Remember those supply and demand curves from your economics class?  Where the supply curve intersects the demand curve- that is the market-rate wage.    

The only way out of this economic analysis is if there is some kind of population shortage so that there are simply no workers to take the job.  But we all know that is simply not the current situation in this tenuous economy.


(1) Mike Gilsdorf did not offer the market-rate wage
(2) Mike Gilsdorf offered a wage so low that no workers wanted the job.  What Mike Gilsdorf wants is really cheap labor!  That's why Mike Gilsdorf wants to fight against measures to control illegal immigration.  It is all about cheap labor.   But this was for summer jobs.  Is Gilsdorf saying that no high school or college students wanted the job?  Well, not at the wage he wanted to pay!   
(2) If Mike Gilsdorf asserted to the New York Times reporter that he offered the market-rate wage, he is wrong or lying.
(3) The New York Times reporter (Julia Preston) knows so little economics that she could not detect the falsity of the statement uttered by Gilsdorf, or she just got it wrong
(4) The New York Times fact checkers did not detect the clear falsity of the assertion.

Mike Gilsdorf, CEO of Arapahoe Acres Nursery in Littleton, is chairman of Colorado Employers for Immigration Reform (COEIR)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em!!

If you didn't see my agenda for getting rid of illegal employers, illegal landlords, visas and lowering our health care costs-here it is.

For the Unemployed
As much as I don't like having to do this, a large portion of our unemployed could be working, but these jobs are taken by foreign workers, illegal and legal. Until our unemployed has been given fair opportunity, this has to stop.

A guideline for illegal alien workers, illegal alien dwellers and visa workers are listed below, separately.

Stay within the law so our efforts are credible and use video cameras/cameras as often as possible.

For illegals on the job-

1-Talk with the owner or manager and let them know you suspect their workers are here illegally. If the owner or manager is trying to do the right thing, they can sign up for the ICE IMAGE Program so they can weed out employees who have used fake documents. Employees cannot be fired without solid knowledge. Reference the program to see what they can do. If the link doesn't work, type in, not just in Google and Yahoo browsers. I don't know about the others.

2-Hand all employees notes or flyers, on other than white paper if possible, that says immigration may be coming. If they are illegal, they are not likely to stick around. When we do this in every city/county, they will have nowhere to work and leave on their own.

3-Apply for all jobs you are qualified for, acording to their application. Keep your resume, job opening information and other credentials with you at all times so you can challenge any claims that are applicable to you or reference somebody you know so they can challenge it too.

4-Picket the company and contact all tv, radio stations and other media. Have the job descriptions and your credentials with you at all times, even for manual labor.

5-Upload photos and videos to CNN and other places that want them, post info on You Tube and report these businesses to

6-You can print this for others that are interested.

7-Stay within the law so it is on our side!!!

Get as many people involved as interested, they are losing money like the rest of us by paying higher health care costs, with or without insurance, on multiple levels. It happens every time you buy from most stores and every time our state or federal government contracts with a company that pays all or part of their employee's heath care premiums because hospitals and companies pass their cost onto us.

For landlords-

1-Contact them to report your suspicions or knowledge of illegal aliens on their property. If they are not cooperative let them know you will call ICE. Property owner's information can be found on the city/county website under GIS or at the court house. Call them if you need help and ask where you can find "property information". The owner's phone number may not be on it but you can check for a phone number in their local directory/online. Send them a letter, if you can't reach them by phone, or just contact ICE.

2-Hand the renters notes or flyers, on other than white paper if possible, that says immigration may be coming. If they are illegal, they are not likely to stick around. When we do this in every city/county, they will have nowhere to go and leave on their own.

3-If there are a lot of people staying in a single family home, contact the city/county and ask how many can live in a house. They may also have restrictions on non-relatives living together, such as no more than 2 non-related occupants. If the landlord doesn't act responsibly and the people stay, contact the city/county in addition to ICE. Do step 2 first to see if they leave on their own.

4-Stay within the law so it is on our side!!!

Get as many people involved as interested, they are losing money like the rest of us by paying higher health care costs, with or without insurance, on multiple levels. It happens every time you buy from most stores and every time our state or federal government contracts with a company that pays all or part of their employee's heath care premiums because hospitals and companies pass their cost onto us.

For visa foreign workers-

Two major problems is that employers can get away with posting the job in very small papers so the majority of qualified, interested applicants never hear about them.

What's more disgusting is that H-1B visas do not require any search for legal citizens.

None of this should be tolerated with 11 Million unemployed/underemployed and growing.

Let's get our jobs back.

1-We must flood these businesses with qualified, but not over-qualified applicants so we can prove there are people to work them.

2-Picket the company, jobs sites and state and federal representatives that refuse to protect us. Contact tv, radio stations and other media by phone, emails, via comments and press releases. Have your credentials with you at all times to dispute their claims.

3-To find the contractors, check your state and federal contract awards to see what companies got them, including no bids, and direct purchases through their credit card.

4-Check them and their subcontractors to see who's working for them and do step 2 if there is anything suspicious. Although contracting officers may not reward it if the cost is too low, we still have to check for ourself because we know how bad our government can be on oversight or doing something about wrong-doing.

5-Print this to give to others that are interested.

6-Stay within the law so it is on our side!!!

Get as many people involved as interested, they are losing money like the rest of us by paying higher health care costs, with or without insurance, on multiple levels. It happens every time you buy from most stores and every time our state or federal government contracts with a company that pays all or part of their employee's heath care premiums because hospitals and companies pass their cost onto us.

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About Me

This blog is written under a pseudonym because there is not really freedom of expression in the United States. Taking a position on illegal immigration can reduce one's employment prospects. Unless you are independently wealthy or a tenured professor, you need to watch what you say.